Overcoming Issues With IVF

By David Green

Many couples who could benefit from IVF treatment fail to take advantage of it. Although roughly half of the three million infertile couples in the U.S. look to doctors for assistance in having a baby, the vast majority do not ultimately go through with IVF. This is true even when they meet all of the criteria and their chances of successfully having a baby by under-going the treatment are good.

The question is then, what are the barriers that cause so many people to not to proceed with IVF? The answer to that question is complex, because what is a stumbling block to one couple can be considered irrelevant to another couple. It is fair to say, however, that there are some general issues that tend to be causes of concern to the majority of would-be IVF candidates.

One is that it is unsafe for the mother, baby, or both. Another is that it is too expensive. A third is that it is incompatible with religious beliefs. A fourth is that the mother, or even the father, will not be able to fulfill their professional and personal responsibilities for the duration of the treatment period.

However, all of these issues can successfully be addressed, and the barriers overcome. By spending some time learning about what exactly IVF involves - there are lots of good websites from which to gather this information - and having discussions with experienced IVF professionals and couples who have previously undergone the treatment, most couples will see that their concerns are unfounded.

That does not mean that IVF is the best option for every infertile couple, in some cases it is not, but it should at least be one of the options which is seriously considered during the decision-making process. To simply dismiss it could well be one of the biggest mistakes that a couple ever makes. - 31802

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Trying To Conceive - 5 Signs That Signal Your Ovulation Period

By Beth Vardah

When you are trying to get pregnant it is very important to know when you are ovulating. You will want to take full advantage of your ovulation's time since it only happens for 24 hours every month. It becomes a problem when women do not know their ovulation cycle. There are even some women who do not know how important this is. In order to improve a couple's odds of conception this article will explain the five signs that a woman is ovulating.

Lutenizing Hormone, or LH, is at a High

This is the most accurate way to predict ovulation. A spike in luteinizing hormone means that you have a window of about 30 hours that precedes ovulation. Think of this as a dark nimbus cloud on the horizon that signifies rain in the coming hours. A peak in luteinizing hormones can be detected in the urine with the use of LH ovulation test sticks.

Your Basal Body Temperature, or BBT, will go up.

During ovulation there is an increase in progesterone levels which in turn heats up the body. This temperature rise signifies the start of you ovulation and will last until the start of your period. So, if you miss your chance to conceive this month, you will have a way to determine when your next ovulation period will take place. The best way to measure your basal temperature is during in the morning just before you get out of your bed. Although there are special thermometers specifically made for this, an ordinary thermometer will do the trick. Remember to keep a chart of your basal body temperature so that it will be easier for you to spot the increase next time.

Breast Sensitivity

During the ovulation period, there is a secretion of progesterone hormones. This results in the tenderness and sensitivity not just of the breasts but also of the nipples much like when you have your menstrual cycle.

The cervical mucus fluid will change.

As your ovulation period approaches, the body is flooded with estrogen based hormones that help change the consistency of your cervical fluid. Aside from visual and tactile changes, the amount of cervical mucus fluid increases. There will be a thinning of the cervical mucus and it will be less sticky and won't be able to hold its shape. You might see a translucency in the cervical mucus although its color still remains the same.

Changes is your cervix.

The vagina and uterus is connected by the cervix. As a woman approaches her ovulation period the cervix becomes more soft and moist. The opening to the cervix will open up and its tip will begin to lift. All these descriptive terms are relative, so it is required that you keep track of the openness, texture, and position of your cervix during your cycle.

Keeping track of when you are ovulating is not always the easiest thing but it can help you get the baby you've always wanted. You need to know when you are fertile because that is half the battle of getting pregnant. - 31802

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How To Get Pregnant Fast In The Most Natural Way Possible

By Deegan Love

Introduction: Getting pregnancy, as you think, is not as easy as 123. While some women are blessed (though others consider this a curse) to have a very active fertility system, you may not have that. And that's when you need outside help. There are numerous methods that can help you get pregnant, but the best interventions are always the natural ones.

Difficulty: 3

Things You'll Need: a man (partner), vitamins and supplements, healthy meals

Step 1. Do you have a partner? If you don't then it's time to find one now. Of course you cannot get pregnant naturally if you don't have a partner, so it is well important that you have one. Your partner can be your boyfriend or your husband. But if you plan to raise your little bundle of joy all by yourself, then he doesn't have to be.

Step 2. Then, once you have a parter already, stop using contraceptives. Most women on the pill don't get pregnant right after they stop, since the body still takes time to readjust from all the chemicals and hormones. This isn't to say that you won't become pregnant immediately as well, because some women also do.

Women on injectable contraceptives (Depo - Povera) usually don't become pregnant within a couple months of time. Remember that this speaks for a majority of women, but not all. You may or may not concieve right away. Couples who use barrier methods like the condom, however, find it quicker to concieve once they cease using their birth control method. This is because condoms don't alter the body chemistry of the woman.

Step 3. Is Your Lifestyle Healthy? Take time to reasses your lifestyle (and your partner's as well). For the body to become efficient in any manner (and that includes fertilization) , it has to be free of toxins and stress. A healthy lifestyle can be achieved by doing the following:

- Eat healthy. Foods rich in nutrients are the way to go. Organic foods are also better choices in comparison to ordinary produce because they are grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides that are linked to problems concerning fertility.

- Stop Smoking. Nicotine has an adverse effect on the cervical mucous, and can cause fertilization problems as well. This causes double problems since nicotine also lowers sperm count.

- Any form of caffeine should be avoided. Caffeine also has detrimental effects on a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Too much caffeine (more than two cups of coffee or its equivalent for tea and soda) can increase a woman's chances of having a miscarriage.

- Exercising is as crucial as all the other factors there. Proper exercise keeps the body fit and also prepares the body for pregnancy. Exercising regularly de-stresses the body and helps you have better sleep at night.

- Sleep is also a very important factor, as this increases or normalizes the levels of the hormone leptin, which plays an important role in a woman's ovulation.

Step 4. Vitamins and supplements are also essential when one wants to get pregnant. The right amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy lessens the risk of prenatal conditions such as neural tube defects.

Herbal supplements are just as important as vitamins and mineral supplements as they balance the levels of the hormones. Calcuim, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 are just some of the important minerals and vitamins. Some herbs that are just as essential are:

- raspberry leaf

- raspberry leaf

- licorice root

- ginkgo biloba

- licorice root.

Remember to consult your doctor first before taking in any of these supplements.

Step 5. Take note of your ovulation and menstruation time. Most women ovulate right in the middle of their menstruation cycle, and you can figure out when yours is by taking note of the first day of your menstruation, as well as how long it is each month. If your menstruation is regular and arrives on time every twenty - eight days, then you can easily assume that your ovulation time is around fourteen days after the first day of your mensturation. This cycle, however, varies among women.

Step 6. Have regular and unprotected sex a couple of days before and around the time that you ovulate. Remember that sperm cells survive for 48 to 72 hours inside the reproductive tract, so have sex on the days leading up to her ovulation time (which would be days 12 to 14 of the menstrual cycle for an average woman.)

- Mind Your Positions. While this hasn't been scientifically proven, some positions allow the sperm to be closer to the cervix. Missionary position, for example, with a pillow underneath the hips is one position that is regularly used by many. Try staying in bed at least 30 minutes after having sex in order to increase the sperm's chances of reaching the egg.

- Don't stress out while having sex. Don't kill the intimacy of the moment just because you're racing to make a baby.

Step 7. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period.

Step 8. Repeat these steps until you get pregnant.


- Remember to be consistent with your efforts, and that includes living a healthy lifestyle before trying to get pregnant. Take your vitamins and supplements regularly.

- Lighten up for sex. Keep the experience a sensual onr and not as a chore.

- Consult your doctor before trying to get pregnant, before taking in vitamins or supplements for your pregnancy endeavors.


- Be informed. There are numerous pregnancy myths that do more harm than good.

- Have yourself as well as your partner tested for any disease or illness before starting on your endeavors. - 31802

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The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor - Tips For Moms And Moms-To-Be

By Amanda Redgrave

Trying to get pregnant should be a happy and exciting time for you and your partner; you shouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor helps reduce the time that it takes to conceive.

The neat thing about the Clearblue monitor is that is maximizes your chances of getting pregnant by alerting you when are most likely able to conceive.

A test stick (you can purchase more separately) is used to monitor hormone levels in your urine. After wetting a stick, you simply place it in the test stick slot and wait for the results. But an important feature of the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor is that you can easily program it to follow the days of your monthly cycle.

This maximizes your chances of getting pregnant. Each test shows a "fertility status" on the screen, based on the test results - low, high, and peak - displayed using 3 bars.

About the "M" Button:

The Clearblue's unique 'M Button' is activated at the start of your monthly cycle. It sets the beginning of a 6-hour time period for testing. You should press the button at the start of your cycle but only when it's convenient to test; the first urine of the day. In order to test different times in your cycle, you're free to change the day and/or time you press the button on your next cycle.

Identifying fertile days in your cycle is the job of fertility monitors. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor accurately signals more of these days than any other monitor on the market today. Your estrogen levels (E3G) are higher and your chances of conceiving are thus higher during the time in your cycle that is about ten or twelve days after the start. Because sperm can survive up to 5 days, your chances of conceiving are better during these pre-ovulation days.

Technical Reasons Behind the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor's Effectiveness:

During these "pre-ovulation" days - called the Follicular Phase - a follicle that contains an egg starts developing inside an ovary. At this point a rise in Luteinizing hormone signals peak fertility. This lasts for only a couple days and is the time frame that your chances of conceiving are the highest. But the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor helps you pinpoint this time with relative ease. Ovulation occurs at this point - when the follicle containing the egg bursts and releases the ovum. There is only about 24 hours from this point forward that the egg can be fertilized, so this is the point that your monitor will help you pinpoint.

The days afterwards are called the Luteal Phase, when the remains of the follicle forms the "corpus luteum." During this phase your chances of getting pregnant are much lower.

How To Do A Test -

Each morning simply switch on the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor while in your testing window and prior to your first urine of the day. Some mornings the monitor will indicate that you need to test your hormone levels. This is done by wetting a test stick: Remove a new stick from its wrapper and hold pointing downwards in your urine stream for about three seconds. While holding the stick pointing downwards, remove the cap from the handle and put on over the wet end of the stick.

You should now see a flashing red light coming from the monitor's test stick slot. This indicates it is performing some internal checks in order to ensure the slot is indeed ready to receive your test stick. Don't put the test stick into the slot until the light has gone out. Simply hold the test stick by the cap and place the other end into the the slot, cut corner pointing down. Push it down until it clicks into place, lying flat. Now you should see a flashing symbol of the test stick on the display if you've inserted it correctly. It will continue flashing for around five minutes as it does the test.

At the end of the test, the display will indicate to remove and discard the test stick. The monitor fertility status symbol will show the level of fertility in one of three simple bars - low, high, or peak. - 31802

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Clear Signs of Infertility And What To Do About It

By Alyssa Taylor

The first sign of infertility is the failure for a couple to 'get pregnant' for a full year of trying. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is aging.

And two reasons that aging reduces a woman's fertility are diminished health of her eggs and a reduced ability of the ovaries to release them. They also have a higher risk for miscarriage and other health problems that affect their fertility.

A woman's highest fertility is in her 20's, with her 30's being a time when she is still relatively fertile. She will start having difficulty conceiving as she gets into her mid to upper 30's. Miscarriage risks start to come into play in her late 30's. Fertility decreases appreciably in smokers and drinkers. With more women choosing careers today that put off child-rearing, aging has become the primary reason for infertility.

Infertility is categorized as Primary or Secondary: Primary is when a woman can't get pregnant after a year of trying and Secondary Infertility is when she can't after a year of trying - but she had already become pregnant in some year past.

Infertility runs at a fifty-fifty ratio between males and females, according to some experts. Others say that females have sixty percent of infertility issues. Statistically, ten percent of couples who are trying to conceive will have trouble, and four out of five will succeed within one year. A normal amount of time to conceive is up to two years.

In order to assess their fertility, many partners must both have complete medical exams done. Many of the males in relationships have the problem with fertility, therefore it's important that both partners get a complete physical.

The first tests normally done by a fertility specialist are for a woman's levels of FSH and her LH. (These abbreviations stand for Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone.) These tests are usually done on a woman's first and her third visits to her doctor. It should be noted that the tests for these two hormones - Luteinzing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone - can be done on the male partner, as well. LH and FSH are both important for male fertility too.

Routine tests done later on the female include ultrasound tests, additional hormone tests, and a cervical mucus test. Not done very much nowadays, the cervical mucus test involves testing the post-coital mucus lining the vagina for healthy sperm. One reason for the test is if the male partner does not want to be tested.

Ultrasounds are a good way to for the fertility specialist to examine the condition of the uterus, ovaries, and cervix without complicated and invasive examination techniques. Ultrasound can also be utilized to determine if ovulation has occurred.

Reproductive Endocrinologists can test for many other important hormones, other than just the luteinizing hormone and the follicle stimulating hormone. The primary ones are: androstenedione, DHEAS, total testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, prolactin, free T3, and free testosterone.

Treatments for infertility can be expensive and not covered by insurance, and it depends on what needs to be treated, and how far a couple is willing to go with treatment. A relatively common cause of infertility in women is PCOS or (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), which is treated with a drug called metformin in combination with clomiphene.

Another drug treatment for infertility (for the female again) is clomiphene for ovulation problems - inability to ovulate. Hormone shots are the next thing that a woman can try, although these can have unpleasant side effects such as bloating and feeling sick. But one of the most significant side effects of hormone therapy is having triplets or more babies.

In Vitro Fertilization (a.k.a. "IVF") is at the top of the most extreme measures that a couple can take in their effort to conceive. Expensive, emotionally and physically taxing, it requires daily hormone injections (can be painful), daily monitoring by a doctor, and regular blood testing. With acupuncture by fertility acupuncture specialists in combination with IVF, however, the success rate is very high indeed - one in three couples are parents. This can come with the 'cost,' however, of having to raise twins (one-third of couples who use IVF and get pregnant have twins). - 31802

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Maybe Baby? Help and Advice with Pregnancy

By Keith Woolley

Newspapers have been writing a lot about fertility and the fact that more and more women choose to start a family in their 30's or forty's. Women nowadays are highly likely to have a high flying career and be brooding about town trips, shoe shopping and sports autos, and far less about Mothercare, changing nappies, and pushing carts.

The average age for giving birth in the United Kingdom is going up about 2 months annually. The average age in 2007 was 29.3 years compared with 28.6 years in 2001. Statistics prove the average woman under thirty will get pregnant within the first 6 months and those in their early thirty's may take up to and longer than 9 months. From 35 onwards it might take one year.

Some girls are spending a lot of money trying to increase their possibilities of conceiving naturally, but this should be a nonessential expense. Lord Robert Winston, pioneer of IVF treatment, informed the Daily Mail that girls who freeze their eggs to delay maternity are being given fake hopes by fertility clinics. He goes on to claim that this does not in any way guarantee that a ladies will become pregnant or go on to have a healthy baby.

So without ditching the thrilling lifestyle what are you able to do to help increase your fitness for that 'maybe baby' stage? Being healthy is much easier than you'd think. Here are some tips

For her :


Most ladies recognize iron as a very important mineral for good health. Despite this data, iron deficiency is regarded the commonest nutritive deficiency and the most affected group are ladies of child bearing age. Studies have shown that even delicate deficiencies of iron are linked to reduced fertility. It would seem that a deficiency of iron may play a part in ovulatory dysfunction. Take daily Iron supplements ( look for non-constipating form )

Essential trans acids

The force on women to stay slim has lead to many women adopting very fat free diets. Unfortunately, this pattern of eating is related to a decline in fertility. The necessary trans acids ( found in nuts, seeds and oily fish ) have many functions across the body, including balancing the hormones involved in fertility. Try Omega 3-6-9 capsules with a mix of high quality fish, flax and borage oil.

Multivitamin and mineral formula

A multivitamin and mineral formula has for some time been regarded as a measure for general wellness and as health insurance. Studies now suggest that a multivitamin formula could also be of use for maintaining fertility in women. Studies in the latter 90s proved that ladies who constantly took a multivitamin formula, were less sure to be infertile due to ovulatory failure than people who didn't. Similarly, the more frequent and regular the supplements were taken, the better the results .

Try Solgar's Female Multivitamin & Mineral complex

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 ( also known as the sunshine vitamin ) could help the fertility of women affected by ovulation Problems. One in 5 girls suffer with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( PCOS ) and can have a lesser chance of conception at a later age. Researchers at Yale varsity faculty of medication ( 2008 ) concluded ladies with ovulation problems or PCOS were much more sure to be short of vitamin D.

Try 1000iu D3 supplement

For him :

Your other half should be thinking along the same lines as you when it comes to living healthily. Sperm count and motility plays a very important part in the act of attempting to become pregnant. Why do all of the hard work when your better half plays an equal part in the act of conception? Recent figures ( from Norwich Union health-care in 2005 ) show that 2.5 million men suffer with barrenness in the United Kingdom. Male infertility may account for as much as a 3rd of Problems with conception so it is important that your man takes similar steps to you to keep himself and his sperm in tip top health.


Zinc is clearly one of the most vital nutrients needed for fertility, particularly for men. Studies show that a low zinc intake corresponds with a low sperm count and poor sperm motility.

Vitamin C

As an antioxidant, vitamin C is critical for good health. For men, this nutrient plays a specific role in augmenting fertility. Research has shown that vitamin C may help to reduce the clumping together of sperm and therefore enhances sperm motility. Additionally, vitamin C usually reinforces sperm quality and protects the DNA contained inside it from damage.

Visit www.solgar.co.uk for more information on vitamin & mineral supplements

. - 31802

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The Clear blue Fertility Monitor - Tips For Moms And Moms-To-Be

By Nancy Olsen

Trying to get pregnant should be a happy and exciting time for you and your partner; you shouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor helps cut down on the time that it takes to conceive.

The neat thing about the Clearblue monitor is that is maximizes your chances of getting pregnant by alerting you when are most likely able to conceive.

The Clearblue makes use of separate, disposable one-time use test sticks. One of the sticks is wetted and placed into the monitor test slot, then wait for the test to complete. Most fertility monitors have a set tracking schedule built in, but with the Clearblue monitor you can easily program it to track your monthly cycle to the day.

So you have the greatest chance of conceiving; A low, high, and peak fertility status bars are shown in the monitor's display.

About the "M" Button:

The Clearblue's unique 'M Button' is activated at the start of your monthly cycle. It sets the beginning of a 6-hour time period for testing. You should press the button at the start of your cycle but only when it's convenient to test; the first urine of the day. In order to test different times in your cycle, you're free to change the day and/or time you press the button on your next cycle.

Identifying fertile days in your cycle is the job of fertility monitors. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor accurately signals more of these days than any other monitor on the market today. Your estrogen levels (E3G) are higher and your chances of conceiving are thus higher during the time in your cycle that is about ten or twelve days after the start. Because sperm can survive up to 5 days, your chances of conceiving are better during these pre-ovulation days.

Why the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Is So Effective:

During this phase called the Follicular Phase (a.k.a. "pre-ovulation phase) a follicle that contains an egg starts developing inside an ovary. The "LH surge" or rise in "Luteinizing Hormone" signals peak fertility during this time. Lasting only a couple days, this surge in this hormone is the most fertile time for you to conceive. It's when ovulation occurs when you are most likely to conceive, and the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor helps you pinpoint this time with ease. From this point forward only around 24 hours can your egg be fertilized, and it's this time that the Clear Blue is good at helping you pinpoint. During the 'Luteal Phase,' which is the fourteen days after ovulation, you are way less likely to get pregnant.

The Luteal Phase is the-- days after ovulation, and a time period when you are far less likely to conceive. (The remains of the follicle form what's called the "corpus luteum.")

How To Do A Test -

Before your first urine of the day (normally when you get up each morning), switch on your Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. Certain mornings the monitor will 'tell' you you need to do a hormone level test. After removing a test stick from the wrapper, you wet it in your urine stream (pointing the stick downwards) for about three seconds. Now after removing the cap from the handle of the stick, you place it over the end you just wetted..

You should now see a flashing red light coming from the monitor's test stick slot. This indicates it is performing some internal checks in order to ensure the slot is indeed ready to receive your test stick. Don't put the test stick into the slot until the light has gone out. Simply hold the test stick by the cap and place the other end into the the slot, cut corner pointing down. Push it down until it clicks into place, lying flat. Now you should see a flashing symbol of the test stick on the display if you've inserted it correctly. It will continue flashing for around five minutes as it does the test.

So now all you do is wait five minutes until the test is over - indicated by the monitor - which point it will indicate for you to remove and discard the used test stick. The status of your fertility will then be shown on the monitor. - 31802

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How To Have A Baby Boy - Yes, There Are Methods That Can Help

By Olivia Campbell-Price

There are so many couples out there that long for a baby boy, but each time they get pregnant, they find out that they are having a little girl. Are you wondering how to have a baby boy and whether it is even possible to pick your baby's gender?

Did you know that the father's sperm is what determines if the baby is going to be a boy or girl? Many people do not realize this and many women feel like failures for not producing a fine baby boy for their husbands. Gender is a at best a 50/50 proposition if left to its own devices, but you can actually help it along.

Male sperm is known for moving faster than the female sperm but is by and large weaker. Not only that female sperm can live much longer than the male sperm. Given these factors, it's interesting to note that there are still more boys born than there are girls. In about 100 births, boys outnumber girls 51 to 49.

To begin with when you have intercourse a couple days before the woman ovulates, then the chances of having a male decrease. This is due to the fact that Y sperm will die off before it has a chance to fertilize a waiting egg. On the other hand, X sperm can continue to live on for a few days even in a less than friendly uterine environmental to make its way to the egg.

Timing intercourse with ovulation is one way for how to have a baby boy. Since we know that Y sperm has a limited lifespan but is quicker than X sperm, you can enjoy lovemaking with the knowledge that you have a better shot at conceiving a boy if you have sex within 48 hours of ovulation. With the help of ovulation testing kits, you can easily track this information and make adjustments to your schedule as needed.

The future dad can do a few things to increase the possibility of conceiving a boy. Y sperm are known to be less resilient and don't do well under hostile conditions. Some things that can help create a more friendly environment for sperm to develop are to wear loose underwear and clothes that don't trap body heat. You may need to avoid heavy activity for a while as well. Smoking and drinking can also impact sperm count, so eliminating these habits can help.

When it comes to how to have a baby boy, it is possible to be proactive and work the odds in your favor. While you can't be assured that you'll have a boy, at least you don't have to sit there "hoping" it is a male. Even small changes such as eating a diet that your doctor recommends to tweak body pH levels can assist you in conceiving a boy. - 31802

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Causes Of Cysts Are Numerous.

By Amanda Clark

Cysts in the pelvic cavity, occur mainly in women who are in their reproductive years. They grow on the ovaries and are produced from fluid filled sacs which look a bit like blisters. Normally no treatment is required for many cysts that are common. The causes of cysts are varied and dependant upon their type may result from oestrogen or progesterone imbalance to dysfunctional ovaries.

If the follice which produces a female egg every month fails to dissolve after releasing the egg a cyst may sometimes occur from this. This type of cyst is called a functional ovarian cyst. Other types of cysts grow from a hormonal imbalance.

Some types of cysts contain different matter which may even include skin, hair and teeth. This type are referred to as dermoid cysts. The condition endometriosis can cause cysts to grow on the ovaries called chocolate cysts. They form when some of the lining from the uterus escapes and attaches to the ovaries, causing a cyst and containing trapped blood.

Sometimes cells develop on the outer surface of the ovaries, these are adenoma cysts. In a condition called polycystic ovaries a hormonal imbalance and results in a follicle cysts building up and thickening. In turn the ovaries enlarge and the outer coating becomes very thick which can mean that ovulation cannot occur, leading to fertility problems.

A dull ache in the lower abdomen along with pain or bleeding may indicate a cyst. Although a large majority of cysts do not cause symptoms and therefore a women may not ever know that they have one.

Surgery is not usually required for asymptomatic cysts and the advice given may be to leave them alone to see if they go of their own accord. If, however, the cyst ruptures or is very painful or large, surgical intervention may be indicated. - 31802

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Endometriosis Cysts Must Be Treated Promptly

By Amanda Clark

Imagine enduring agonizing abdominal pain once a month. That's the fate of nearly five million American women who have a reproductive illness called endometriosis. The illness is caused by an excess of uterine tissue that attaches itself outside the uterus, often resulting in painful, dangerous endometriosis cysts.

Doctors have yet to learn what causes endometriosis. Some think it results when women have babies later in life, since the uterine tissue that's usually discharged during menstrual periods seems to build up excessively. Recent studies suggest that genetics may be involved; women whose close female relatives, such as mothers and sisters, develop endometriosis are at much higher risk for getting the disease themselves. Other risk factors include having exceptionally heavy periods, or periods that last longer than a week, and starting menstruation before adolescence, as early as age 9 or 10 in some cases.

While its causes may be obscure, the results of endometriosis, such as endometriosis cysts, are both detectable and painful. In fact, extreme abdominal pain is one of the major symptoms of endometriosis. Other symptoms can include heavy menstrual periods, severe menstrual cramps, chronic pelvic pain or pain in the lower back, painful sexual intercourse, uncomfortable urination or bowel movements during menstrual periods, bleeding or spotting between periods and infertility, or the inability to conceive and bear a child.

Thankfully, endometriosis cysts usually aren't cancerous. They also usually stay somewhere in a woman's reproductive organs and don't migrate to places like the lungs or liver. Sometimes endometriosis cysts can develop on the bowels or bladder, however, because these organs lie so near the reproduction organs.

While ongoing endometriosis can be managed with certain hormones and pain medications, once endometriosis cysts hemorrhage or burst, they must be treated immediately by surgery. In some cases it is possible to remove the endometriosis cysts and restore a woman's reproductive organs. Sadly, in other cases the only safe treatment for severe endometriosis is surgically removing the reproductive organs, a procedure known as a complete hysterectomy.

If you believe you are suffering from endometriosis, see your gynecologist as soon as possible. - 31802

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Ovarian Cysts Painful Are Preventable.

By Amanda Clark

Doctor's are able to diagnose if you are suffering from ovarian cysts pain. If you have ovarian cyst symptoms, your doctor will review your case, but you may still have questions - such as why you have the cysts, what can be done to prevent them, or what other situations can occur. Here are some key pieces of information about painful ovarian cysts.

Some things you will need to know include when you should be watchful of this condition, what causes the condition to exist, and what can be done to prevent ovarian cysts. Though a doctor can assist, here is the general information.

Ovarian cysts are more common in women between puberty and menopause because they are most typically caused by failure of the follicle to release an egg. The failure causes the cyst to form; many women may not even realize this has occurred unless pain or unusual bleeding occurs.

Increased bleeding or pain will need to be evaluated by your doctor, who may use an ultrasound or pelvic exam to determine if you are suffering from complications with ovarian cysts. Complications occur from the painful ovarian cysts that press against other organs, twist the fallopian tube, or begin bleeding.

Repeat problems with ovarian cysts can be prevented through the use of oral contraceptives or birth control; however, a doctor must diagnose them. Even painful ovarian cysts may not require special treatment. Oral contraceptives work because they prevent the follicles from forming. This can be a solution for repeat problems with ovarian cysts.

It is common to get ovarian cysts. Painful ovarian cysts are the result of complications with the cysts that your doctor can easily investigate for you. If you experience unusual pain or bleeding, you should consult your doctor to determine if you have ovarian cysts. Painful ovarian cysts are easily preventable through use of oral contraceptives. - 31802

About the Author:

How Are Endometrial Cysts Treated

By Amanda Clark

All women who have been told by their doctors that they have cysts, often look at them with disbelief and fear. Their first question is often what can be done about endometrial cysts, because they often lack the knowledge involved with how the body functions.

For one thing, your doctor will explain to you that the development of cyst like substances are quite normal. But the fact remains that the tissue growth in the uterus is part of the woman's normal cycle. Problems begin to arise when these tissues develop outside the uterus.

These particular cysts are little sacks that contain blood that cannot be shed because they are developed outside of the uterus. They are often called chocolate cysts, because of their color. Although many women may experience some type of pain with these cysts, they generally do not cause any serious health conditions.

In addition to that, chocolate cysts can also be the cause of infertility in some women. Moreover, they can rupture, causing pain in the abdomen as the bloody substance covers surrounding organs. Therefore, if you are experiencing abdominal pain or pelvic pain, it is imperative that you seek medical attention promptly.

There are different types of treatments available to resolve this condition. Surgery is typically the solution. However, this all depends on various factors, including the size of the cyst. The birth control pill is often prescribed to women who suffer from endometrial cysts, basically to help them fade away or even to prevent their development.

Some studies have shown that certain hormones are the causes of the development of these types of cysts. And with that said, there are ways to prevent them from developing at all. One way, includes regulating the hormones with natural treatment. As you may know, everyone's looking for the natural way of treating all types of conditions rather than using drugs which have side effects. People opt for natural treatments because there are side effects associated with them, all the while treating the condition and often curing it. - 31802

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What To Look For When Dealing With Cysts On The Ovaries

By Amanda Clark

When dealing with cysts on the ovaries some women can experience pain and bleeding. Many women have cysts on the ovaries every year but most don't even know it. An ovarian cyst is a small sac that fills with fluid and develops on the ovaries. They are usually fairly harmless unless they grow too large. Your doctor may recommend surgery to have them removed.

Mostly ovarian cysts are not cancerous in younger people. Older women may end up with cancerous cysts if they do not see a physician about it. Ovarian cancer can be made up of small cyst. It is pretty common for women to have small pea size cyst that you do not know are there.

It can be hard to know if you have cyst on your ovaries. You can not allows depend on symptoms to know if you have cyst or not. The symptoms often resemble the ones of other problems. If you are concerned about having cyst then you should have an exam done by your doctor.

The symptoms of ovarian cysts can be menstrual irregularity's, fullness, or heaviness in your abdomen, or pressure on your bladder or rectum. You may also experience pain right before you start your menstrual cycle or even during sex, or bowel movements. The pain can range from very mild to quite severe.

Your doctor will determine if your cyst should be removed or not. Usually the doctor will only remove the cyst if it is cancerous, painful, very larger, or twisted. If the doctor decides to remove the cyst you should be prepared for a physical exam, blood and urine test, and maybe even an ultrasound or x-ray before the surgery.

When removing the cyst from the ovaries there are two different procedures that can be used. The first procedure is a laparoscopic surgery, the next is an open surgery. The less invasive of the two is the laparoscopic surgery. It will only two you about 4-6 days to recovery from the pain of the surgery. An open surgery can be painful for almost two weeds, because it is very invasive and will require stitches or staples. Which ever surgery you use, you will need a couple of weeks to get back on your feet. - 31802

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An Easy Solution: Ovarian Cyst Remedy

By Amanda Clark

Women everywhere are suffering from ovarian cysts each day. They all want the same thing, an ovarian cyst remedy that will work long term. Almost every woman will encounter problems with these cysts at some point during their lifetime. The causes behind this problem are very complicated and do vary, even despite this, the same treatment is often used in ever case, most of the time not being very effective.

Some of the most common symptoms that are present are stomach pain, spotting, irregular periods and infertility. Both medications and surgery are used in attempts to alleviate these symptoms.

By going with a holistic approach for finding a remedy to this problem you are taking a very different action as compared to standard medical treatment. A holistic doctor will want to begin this process by finding the exact cause behind the cyst you suffer from.

A woman suffering from ovarian cysts will have elevated levels of testosterone present. This creates a series of unwanted effects and results in the egg never leaving the follicle. This is what turns in to a cyst. Generally, doctors simply prescribe birth control to fix this problem, but a holistic doctor will take a totally different approach.

Vitamin deficiency is usually the main problem that began all the issues. By identifying which vitamins your body is lacking you can take steps to bring that low level to normal by changes in diet and supplements. Many women have seen success with this method at home and never needed to visit a doctor.

If you are tired of the same old treatments that aren't really working for you and want to try something different then this approach may be the right thing for you. It's a very easy remedy to try and since supplements have no side effects it is completely risk free. - 31802

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What To Expect From The Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedure.

By Amanda Clark

If you have an ovarian cyst you will more than likely need a procedure to remove them. Most cyst are asymptomatic and will more than likely go away on their own in a couple months. If the cyst are cancerous, large, painful, or twisted your doctor may want to do an ovarian cyst removal. The older you get the more likely the cyst will become cancerous.

There are several things that can cause complications with the removal of the cyst. They are called risk factors. Some of these risk factors include; obesity, illness, alcohol or drug abuse, and smoking. Prescribed medications can be a problem also so want to make sure your doctor knows if you are using insulin, muscle relaxers, or sedatives.

Take your time when making a decision to have an ovarian cyst removed. Have a discussion with your doctor about risk and success rates. Find out what you should expect before and after your surgery. If you decide to have the procedure then you should be prepared to have a physical exam, blood test, urine test, and an ultrasound or even an x-ray.

Laparoscopic Surgery is one of the procedures that is used to remove ovarian cyst. This procedure involves making a small incision right below the naval and inserting a laparoscope through the incision. Carbon dioxide gas is then pumped into the abdomen so the surgeon can see all the organs. The laparoscope finds the cyst and then the surgeon makes one or two more incisions so he can remove the cyst.

The other procedure is open suregery. This surgery is more invasive. The surgeon will need to make an incision through your abdomen and muscles. He will then completely open your abdomen so he can locate the blod vessel that lead to the cyst. He will clamp and tie these blood vesels so he can remove the cyst. You will have stitches or stamples in your abdomen to close it back up.

Recovery time will vary depending on which procedure was used. If you had the laparoscopic surgery then you will have some pain for 3-4 days. The pain from open surgery will last from 7-10 days. Your post operative care will include, no lifting, no strenuous activity for 3-6 weeks, and no sexual activity. Your body will need this time to recover from the surgery. - 31802

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Treatment For Ovarian Cysts - How Aggressive Should You Be

By Amanda Clark

The type of treatment for ovarion cysts as recommended by your doctor will has lot to do with how much pain you are experiencing, and whether you are interested in holistic remedies. Different doctors believe in different therapies.

Most doctors choose to treat the pain first and only. Since this is really the major symptom and complaint, it's the easiest one for doctors to deal with first. After your doctor knows for certain that the cyst is not in a dangerous position, he may not want to do much else until it is warranted.

If your doctor elects to perform some tests and discovers that the location could become a serious problem if the cyst ruptures, he will most likely insist on surgery as soon as possible. Otherwise, leaving it in place could give it time to burst and cause peritonitis or even uncontrollable hemorrhaging.

When a cyst is first diagnosed, it is usually because of the pain. Cysts can be palpated and acknowledged in the doctor's office, usually. First course of action of simply over the counter pain killers since most cysts will disappear by themselves in a few months. Cysts are nothing more than a type of internal pimple, and like pimples, they ultimately go away on their own.

When the pain is adversely affecting someone's quality of life to the point she can't function, the doctor will usually prescribe birth control pills. The hormones are thought to have a negative therapeutic effect on the cyst, although in truth, not many patients report much relief.

If the patient finds that prescription pain killers aren't providing much relief, and there are days she is in bed because of the pain or bleeding, the normal course of action is surgery. This is fairly simple laparoscopic day surgery and some doctors will even perform the surgery under local anesthesia.

Complications are few, side effects are minimal, and recovery is less than 48 hours. There is a chance that you would experience some post op bleeding originating at the site of the internal wound, but this is easily controlled - 31802

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Ovarian Cyst Pain - For Many You Get Accustomed To It

By Amanda Clark

Are you a woman that has been a victim of Ovarian Cyst pain or suffered from all the pain that it may have caused? I am here to tell you that you are not alone, Ovarian Cyst is common and millions of women all over the world has fallen victim to it and all the pain that it can cause.

Ovarian Cyst can be in women of all ages young and old it is described as a sharp shooting pain in the area where the cyst is at and can shoot across the back and even down the legs.

There are various different ways that the cyst can be treated which include pills, medication and possibly surgery. If you know that something isn't right and you are having pain in your ovary area that radiates downward or across your back then you may have a cyst the best thing to do is to consult with your doctor immediately.

Cyst is mild but can lead to many serious health problems if left untreated and one that is detrimental to women is infertility. All women want to bear a child or two and to be infertile because of a cyst is shaming and hard. That's why it is very important to let your doctor help you in any situation that may arise so that this can be avoided if possible.

Many doctors have found that treating the cyst with birth control pills will work because it is minor and the pills will help alleviate the pain but there are many cases where the only options are surgery to remove the cyst.

Cyst are becoming more common and doctors can seem to find the one link that triggers them some women suffer from one while others suffer from bilateral cyst or cysts on both ovaries whatever yours is do not leave it untreated always consult with your doctor. - 31802

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The Various Types Of Cysts That Occur

By Amanda Clark

Cysts that occur within the pelvic cavity are very common. Generally speaking they are harmless (benign), although they can cause pain at times. The majority appear whilst women are of child bearing years, although some are seen in post menopausal women. Some women are not aware they have cysts as they do not cause any pain.

The main types of cysts can be broken down into categories;

Functional Cysts - These frequently grow during the ovulatory part of the menstrual cycle but have a tendency to disappear after a few menstrual cycles have passed. They are caused by the non release of the egg during ovulation and fluid then collects causing the swelling.

Graafian Follicle Cyst - This is another version of the above simple cyst. Also known by the name follicular cyst.

Corpus Luteum Cyst - These can rupture at the time of menstruation and slowly disappear over the course of around twelve weeks.

Hemorrhagic cyst - Blood fills the cyst when blood vessels burst and seep into the cyst. This can cause immense one sided pain, generally on the right hand side of the abdomen. The pain occurs when the cyst swells. In a few cases the cyst will rupture sending blood into the abdomen causing extreme pain to the patient. Surgery is not always required and after a short period of time the patient will start to feel better following a period of rest. Antibiotics have not been found to be beneficial if the cyst ruptures as infection does not always follow.

Endometrioid Cyst - or Chocolate cysts, as they are commonly known as, are caused when endometrial tissue flows out of the uterus and attaches itself to other vessels and organs within the pelvic cavity. These patches of tissue bleed during the women's perio - 31802

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Get Treatment Right Away For Bleeding Ovarian Cyst

By Amanda Clark

Ovarian cysts are an occurrence with women of any age, usually related to a woman's normal bodily processes. However, when a bleeding ovarian cyst happens, a woman needs to consult her physician immediately.

Ovarian cysts normally happen because of an aberration in the monthly reproductive cycle. Consequently, women of childbearing age tend to be more prone to having ovarian cysts. Generally ovarian cysts aren't cancerous, nor are they connected to an illness, but any ovarian cyst can burst and bleed. Whether they're bleeding or not, ovarian cysts can best found through an ultrasound examination. Cysts usually appear like bubbles on the organs.

Ovarian cysts tend to form in one of the following ways:

If the ovary doesn't release the egg for some reason, the follicle sac can close off and fill with fluid. This becomes what's known as a "functional cyst."

The other type of ovarian cyst typically occurs when the egg follicle doesn't dissolve as it normally would. Doctors called this kind a "corpus luteum cyst."

Unfortunately, ovarian cysts of any type can rupture and bleed, causing both pain and inflammation in the pelvic area. Bleeding ovarian cysts can occur at any time, resulting in spotting or bleeding between periods and severe pain.

Most ovarian cysts go away within a few weeks, but a bleeding ovarian cyst needs urgent medical attention. Bleeding ovarian cysts can cause intense abdominal pain as well as bleeding. If a woman's own physician isn't available, she should go right away to an emergency clinic for treatment, which may require surgery. - 31802

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Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy: Three Things You Should Know

By Amanda Clark

Although no less scary, having an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is common. An ovarian cyst is a fluid filled sac that forms in the ovary. They can occur in different sizes and can cause pain, bleeding and swelling. Most of the time they are harmless, but Ovarian cysts can cause miscarriage. A common complaint about an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is the additional pain they can bring.

In some pregnancies, more than one egg is produced. An ovarian cyst can occur anytime after the extra egg is not fertilized. Many times ovarian cysts will go away on there own. These are called functional cysts. Functional cysts are considered a natural part of the childbearing years. It sometimes takes a few months for functional ovarian cyst to dissolve.

Ovarian cysts that do not dissolve on their own can grow, rupture or twist. Larger cysts are especially at risk for rupture or twisting. Cysts that twist can cause extreme pelvic and abdominal pain. Cysts also can grow too large and rupture. In many cases pregnancies with ruptured or twisted cysts end in miscarriage.

Ovarian cancer is also a concern whenever a women has ovarian cysts. Rarely these cysts will develop into the often fatal ovarian cancer. The good news is that an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is not likely to be cancerous. However, have a doctor examine a cyst that does not go away by itself.

Ovarian cysts can be very serious, but are not hard to find. Nowadays, a doctor can easily determine the size, location, and type of cyst. With an ultrasound or sonogram the doctor can also determine if it is cancerous.

Although most ovarian cysts go away, some must be removed. Even painful cysts sometimes dissolve. Surgical removal is an option for non functional cysts. A doctor is able to determine if it is necessary. - 31802

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Ovarian Cyst And Pregnancy : The Facts

By Amanda Clark

Having an ovarian cyst and pregnancy is quite common nowadays. This is rather strange, since cysts are technically abnormal but surprisingly true. Ovarian cysts are formed when a sac filled with blood, tissue, or fluid develops. In a pregnancy, these cysts typically have fluid in them.

There are different types of ovarian cysts. Most cysts during a pregnancy are functional. This means that they occur because of normal functions in the ovaries. Luteum and follicular cysts are the two types of functional cysts. Some women choose to use birth control to prevent this normal function.

The corpus luteum is responsible for making progesterone and helps begin pregnancy. It is a small sac that ranges in size from 2 cm to 6cm. It leaves the ovaries following the egg and remains in the body for early pregnancy. When it remains longer than it should it can form a luteum cyst. Most of the time there are no symptoms, but if there are they typically go away by the second trimester.

The follicle holding the unfertilized egg can also develop into a cyst. This type of functional cyst is called follicular. During a pregnancy, the follicle dissolves and the egg is released and fertilized. When there are more than one egg, the extra eggs are not always released. This follicle may not dissolve and rather form into a cyst and grow. Most follicular cysts also go away by the second trimester.

Just because they are functional doesn't mean there isn't pain. Functional cyst can grow quite large and cause problems. A ruptured cyst can mean several hours of abdominal pain. If a cyst attaches to the body it may began to twist. Twisting can also cause lots of pain and even nausea from blocked blood supply.

Ovarian cancer is frequently a worry of most women who have ovarian cysts. This is because ovarian cysts can be cancerous. However, ovarian cancer is prevalent amongst menopausal women. It is very rare that an ovarian cyst in a pregnancy is cancerous.

Having an ovarian cyst during your pregnancy is nothing to fear. A doctor is able to diagnose and remove them if they become a serious concern. However, many will just go away on their own - 31802

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How To Know When You Have An Ovarian Cyst Rupture

By Amanda Clark

What is an ovarian cyst? The ovarian lining can develop a sac that becomes filled with fluid either on the inside or the outside of the lining. A lot of women never experience ovarian cyst rupture symptoms and have no idea there is a problem until it ruptures because it grew bigger. This could be a life threatening situation so medical attention is a must. Surgical removal is often the best treatment for removal.

A few of the symptoms will be how a ruptured ovarian cyst will affect the menstrual cycle. The period can be much shorter or longer in duration than normal or there can be pain present in the pelvic region before and after the period. The flow of blood during the period will also change and can either increase or decrease as compared to the regular menstrual cycle.

Sharp pains can begin in the place of the stomach as one signals pointing to the distressed cyst. Touching the abdomen can make it feel very tender or even painful. The area that is close tot the pelvis or in the lower region of the stomach is the tender area. Also, sensation of being full or a lot of bloating in the abdomen becomes a problem.

Another symptom of the ruptured cyst is a problem with digestion which shows up as either diarrhea or constipation and a lot of gas. The being too full feeling persists even when there is food in the stomach. This may lead to a loss of appetite and the can be a loss of weight. Another symptom after this can be vomiting and nausea.

A feeling of being drowsy in the daytime and really fatigued can also accompany a ruptured ovarian cyst. The body will begin to feel weak all over and some lightheartedness can happen for no reason. Sometimes disorientation and dizziness can come up periodically.

Feeling stress on this area of the cyst being ruptured and it will affect the bowels and the bladder. The urine flow becomes thin and emptying the bladder gets to be difficult as well. Running to the bathroom often is also part of the symptoms. - 31802

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What Are Endometrial Cysts And How Are They Treated

By Amanda Clark

All women who have been told by their doctors that they have cysts, often look at them with disbelief and fear. Their first question is often what can be done about endometrial cysts, because they often lack the knowledge involved with how the body functions.

To clarify a little, and each month, endometrial tissue develops. This is natural and normal in all women who are able to bear children. The reason it happens, is to prepare the uterus for fertility. But, in cases of cysts, this process occurs outside the uterus, typically on the ovaries. This is where problems usually begin.

The development of endometrial cysts does not imply a serious problem all the time. But, it isn't a common for these cysts to cause much discomfort and pain. These cysts are basically a mass of blood that has collected, are brown, and are known as chocolate cysts.

But, they are known to cause infertility in some cases. One painful side effect that is associated with these cysts is that they can rupture. Once this occurs, the bloody sack spills its substances over onto the organs that surround the area, which can cause further complications. So, when a woman experiences any type of pelvic and even abdominal pain, it is highly recommended that she sees or contacts her doctor immediately.

Treating this type of condition usually involves surgery. However, this is all depending on the amount of cysts, the size of them, et cetera. Unfortunately, if it is a very large sized cyst, the ovary that has been affected, may need to be removed. Otherwise, doctors often prescribe the birth control pill to keep that cysts and other cysts from developing further.

Studies point to hormone imbalance as being the culprit in their development. Therefore probably the best solution is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Hormonal regulation is possible even with natural treatments. The majority of the population now looks toward natural remedies to treat their conditions in order to avoid any type of side effects that are associated with regular drugs. - 31802

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Ovarian Cyst And Pregnancy : The Facts

By Amanda Clark

An Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy is not that strange of a combination. Ovarian cysts are a natural occurrence of the pregnancy cycle. A cyst is a closed sac that forms in the body. Ovarian cysts begin in the ovaries and can contain tissue, fluid, or blood. Cysts that form during pregnancy normally have fluid in them.

There are different types of ovarian cysts. Most cysts during a pregnancy are functional. This means that they occur because of normal functions in the ovaries. Luteum and follicular cysts are the two types of functional cysts. Some women choose to use birth control to prevent this normal function.

The corpus lutuem is a main function for pregnancy. It is released from the ovaries after the egg and distributes progesterone. The corpus luteum ranges from 2cm to 6cm and dissolves naturally. It can develop into a cyst, especially when it is larger. Any symptoms it causes normally diminish by the second trimester.

The follicular cyst is another type of functional cyst that can occur during pregnancy. This type of cyst occurs when the follicle holding the egg does not dissolve. The follicle then grows into a cyst. During pregnancy, a follicular cyst happens when a second egg is released but not fertilized. Similar to a luteum cyst, symptoms should disappear in a few months.

Although normal, functional cysts can cause pain. Larger cysts are at risk for rupture or twisting. A ruptured cyst can be painful and the pain can last for several hours. If a functional cyst attaches to the body and becomes twisted that is also painful. The twisting can reduce blood supply and cause nausea.

Some cysts develop into a serious disease called ovarian cancer. As ovarian cancer mostly affects women in menopause, it is rare in pregnancy. It should not be a worry, but many doctors will check for cancerous cysts. - 31802

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Your Ovarian Cyst And Pregnancy

By Amanda Clark

An Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy is not that strange of a combination. Ovarian cysts are a natural occurrence of the pregnancy cycle. A cyst is a closed sac that forms in the body. Ovarian cysts begin in the ovaries and can contain tissue, fluid, or blood. Cysts that form during pregnancy normally have fluid in them.

There are many different types of ovarian cysts. The most common type is the functional ovarian cyst. It occurs in most childbearing women, and is because of natural functions in the ovary. Some women prefer to use birth control to prevent the natural function and ovarian cyst. The two functional ovarian cysts are luteum and follicular.

A luteum cyst occurs when the corpus luteum does not dissolve correctly. The corpus luteum makes progesterone and prepares the body for pregnancy. It naturally occurs during pregnancy and can be from 2cm to 6 cm. The corpus luteum is released after the egg and remains throughout early pregnancy. If it develops into a cyst, symptoms typically go away by the second trimester.

The follicle holding the egg released from the ovaries can also develop into a cyst. This type of cyst is called a follicular cyst. In a pregnancy this type of cyst occurs when multiple eggs are released. The unfertilized egg may become a follicular cyst. When there are symptoms they may persist into the second trimester.

Although normal, functional cysts can cause pain. Larger cysts are at risk for rupture or twisting. A ruptured cyst can be painful and the pain can last for several hours. If a functional cyst attaches to the body and becomes twisted that is also painful. The twisting can reduce blood supply and cause nausea.

Ovarian cancer is frequently a worry of most women who have ovarian cysts. This is because ovarian cysts can be cancerous. However, ovarian cancer is prevalent amongst menopausal women. It is very rare that an ovarian cyst in a pregnancy is cancerous. Ovarian cysts and pregnancy are related because they are a function of the childbearing woman. Most ovarian cyst are harmless and go away naturally. If they do become a serious concern, a doctor can diagnose and remove them. - 31802

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Know About Ovarian Cysts Surgery

By Amanda Clark

Ovarian cysts are sacs of tissues, which develop within the ovaries. A very common issue for many women, they are most often completely painless and do not require treatment. However, whilst most remain small and are formed as a normal part of the menstrual cycle, there are some which need ovarian cysts surgery.

Even if surgery is recommended, it is highly unlikely that a cyst will turn out to be malignant (cancerous), as the vast majority are found to be benign (harmless). However, this cannot be discovered until a cyst, or a portion of a cyst is removed and investigated under a microscope.

There a two common types of ovarian cysts surgery, and whilst both are relatively straight forward, they will require a patient to be put under general anesthetic.

The first technique is a laparoscopy.

So called because of the flexible tube with a microscope attached, which is used by the surgeon to see the area better, it is a form of keyhole surgery. Two small cuts are made on the lower abdomen, and gas introduced to allow better access by lifting the abdomen wall. The cysts, or part of it, can then be removed.

This is the preferred procedure; it takes no more than thirty minutes in most cases, most patients are free to go home in the same day, is not too painful, whilst the stitches used are usually dissolvable so does not require follow up treatment. It is also not likely to affect fertility if the patient.

If the cyst is thought likely to be cancerous, a laparotomy may be scheduled.

This is major surgery; requiring a deep incision to be made along the pubic hairline on the abdomen, and removal of the entire cyst. This may require a stay of two or three days in hospital, and most certainly an overnight stay.

Ovarian cysts surgery is always the last action, and will be thoroughly explained before anything is scheduled. - 31802

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Discovering What Causes Cysts To Form

By Amanda Clark

You have just left the doctor's office where you were told that you have a cyst. If you are like most people, you are wondering what causes cysts. To find that answer, you first need to know what a cyst is.

A cyst is a variously sized bag or sac like structure that is similar to a blister in nature, but is found inside of the body. They can either contain fluids, gases or even solid substances. Cysts form inside the tissue and are often found in many different places in the body. Cysts can vary in size from microscopic to very large. Some cysts are so large that they can give the appearance of full term pregnancy.

While technically, a cyst can refer to normal sacs found within the body, like the bladder, this article will use the term to refer to the abnormal growths found in the body.

Cysts are abnormal growths. They are not a normal part of the tissue where they are located. Cysts have a skin like cyst wall membrane that separate them from the other tissue. If that sac happens to be filled with pus, then it is not a cyst, but an abscess.

Cysts can be caused by many factors. Some of those include: tumors, genetic conditions, infections and many other factors. Your doctor can give you a better idea of the cause behind your cyst.

Most cysts that form are benign and may be caused by a duct or other body outlet that has been plugged, but some can be tumors or could be formed in a tumor. This type of cyst may even be malignant.

If the cyst is not located deep within the body, you may be able to see its outline under the skin. Come cysts may feel very hard as the pressure of the fluid builds up in them. Other cysts may only be discovered when you have a CAT scan or an MRI.

Some women form very painful cysts in the mammary glands. The cysts may be discovered when the woman is doing a self exam.

If a cyst is in the brain, it may cause headaches or other symptoms. - 31802

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What Are The Causes Of Cysts?

By Amanda Clark

The vast majority of cysts occur in women who are between the ages of 18 to 40. They occur uncommonly in post menopausal women. There are various types of cysts, but generally speaking they resemble blisters and are fluid filled sacs that you find on the ovaries. The causes of cysts range from hormonal problems to ovulatory problems.

If the follice which produces a female egg every month fails to dissolve after releasing the egg a cyst may sometimes occur from this. This type of cyst is called a functional ovarian cyst. Other types of cysts grow from a hormonal imbalance.

Cysts can contain a mixture of contents. Some even include teeth and nails, these are called dermoid cysts. Endometriosis will causes cysts called chocolate cysts to form on the ovaries. This are caused by the lining of the uterus somehow attaching itself to the outside of the ovaries and causing pain and swelling at the time the woman has her period.

Sometimes cells develop on the outer surface of the ovaries, these are adenoma cysts. In a condition called polycystic ovaries a hormonal imbalance and results in a follicle cysts building up and thickening. In turn the ovaries enlarge and the outer coating becomes very thick which can mean that ovulation cannot occur, leading to fertility problems.

Cysts do not always cause any problems or symptoms so many women are not aware that they have them. Common symptoms include a dull ache in the stomach and pain the lower abdominal area.

Dependant upon the type of cyst, women are often advised that they can disappear themselves within a few months and surgery is generally not required. Surgery is usually only an option if the cyst is large in size and causing a lot of pain or if it ruptures, but this is uncommon. - 31802

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Complications With Ovarian Cysts Infertility

By Amanda Clark

My mother has three daughters, and all but one of us has suffered ovarian cysts at some point in our lives, including our mother. Additionally, each of us has our own children. While ovarian cysts can cause infertility, most ovarian cysts will not unless complications occur. Here are some things you should know about ovarian cysts infertility.

Ovarian cysts can cause complications if not treated or diagnosed by a doctor. You can even prevent cysts by using oral contraceptives or hormone medications. Many women, including most of the women in our family have suffered from ovarian cysts and we have not become infertile.

Both my mother and my sister had the ovarian cysts. My mother had ovarian cysts primarily near menopause, during which time she also had miscarriages. These were some of the complications she experienced related to menopause. My sister had a number of ovarian cysts in her late teens; however, after having children she rarely has had any other problems with ovarian cysts.

The only cyst I had was years ago, and it was easily removed as an outpatient procedure. I too have children, and I have had no more cysts. I make a point to always keep my checkups with the doctor. This enables the doctor to be sure I am not developing any complications with our history of ovarian cysts.

Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, can reduce the risks associated with ovarian cysts because it prevents the body from producing the cause of the ovarian cysts. My youngest sister has always used birth control pills, and she has never had a single ovarian cyst.

While many families may have ovarian cysts as a family heritage, it is important to understand that they do not always cause infertility unless left unchecked and uncared for by the doctor. You can prevent your ovarian cysts inferility can be avoided by keeping your doctor's appointments. - 31802

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What Are The Causes Of Cysts?

By Amanda Clark

Cysts are very common in women who are in their child bearing years. They are fluid filled sacs which resemble blisters and grow on the ovaries. The majority of cysts resolve without any treatment. Causes of cysts vary from a hormonal imbalance to the egg from the ovary not releasing every week.

If the follice that contains and releases an egg does not dissolve after the release of the egg at ovulation then a cyst will form from this undissolved sac. Hormonal imbalances between oestrogen and progesterone in the condition polycystic ovary syndrome causes multiple cysts to grow.

Some types of cysts contain different matter which may even include skin, hair and teeth. This type are referred to as dermoid cysts. The condition endometriosis can cause cysts to grow on the ovaries called chocolate cysts. They form when some of the lining from the uterus escapes and attaches to the ovaries, causing a cyst and containing trapped blood.

Adenoma cysts. These develop from cells on the outside surface of the ovary. Polycystic ovary syndrome will cause cysts to form on the ovaries. These occur from a build up of follicle cysts and this causes the follicles to thicken. The ovaries then enlarge and then form a thick outer coating. It is thought that this is the reason that ovulation does not always happen in women with polycystic ovaries and can lead to infertility.

A dull ache in the lower abdomen along with pain or bleeding may indicate a cyst. Although a large majority of cysts do not cause symptoms and therefore a women may not ever know that they have one.

Dependant upon the type of cyst, women are often advised that they can disappear themselves within a few months and surgery is generally not required. Surgery is usually only an option if the cyst is large in size and causing a lot of pain or if it ruptures, but this is uncommon. - 31802

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Know The Basics About Ruptured Cyst Treatment

By Amanda Clark

Ovarian cysts are an issue commonly experienced by menstruating women, due to complications involved with the egg production process in the monthly cycle. Whilst the most often dissolve or absorb into the body, complications can arise which results in a rupture. Painful, and often harmful, ruptured cyst treatment is need urgently.

At first it will be necessary to stabilize the patient and thoroughly assess the situation, in order to plan treatment.

In any case, antibiotics will be prescribed; to attack the infection and minimize any further risks of it spreading. Drugs that can be prescribed are many and varied, and will be tailored to suit the need. Whilst most will be in the form of a short course; extended courses may be necessary.

In most cases the pain experienced through a cyst rupture will be very painful and it will be necessary to administer pain management drugs. These again will depend on the individual, and careful management will be required, along with an understanding of other medications the patient takes.

The pain medicines given will also need to be closely introduced regards the antibiotics course that has been prescribed. What analgesic medicines will most likely be prescribed as a first form of attack; these will gradually be reduced. As pain lessens, such common meds as Tylenol are likely to be prescribed, though the situation will remain closely monitored.

Treatment will require the patient to remain under supervision closely, and will most likely involve abdominal examinations on a regular basis. Surgery may be deemed necessary which, in the first instance, will consist of a laparoscopy.

Should it be deemed necessary, more invasive surgery may be required in order to extract the cyst. This sort of ruptured cyst treatment will take time to proceed to however, as it is in most cases necessary that the infection be kept in check, or eliminated before such surgery. However, whatever the decision, all details will be discussed with the patient. - 31802

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Removing Cysts - The Simple Facts

By Amanda Clark

A cyst, regardless of where it is located, is simply a sac of fluid. Cysts can range in size, occur almost anywhere, and may cause no problem, or lots of problems. Some doctors just prefer removing cysts to be safe. Depending on the location of the cyst, or the pain and discomfort it causes, your doctor may also prescribe painkillers and/or in the case of ovarian cysts, hormonal therapy which includes certain types of birth control pills used to shrink the mass of tissue.

The removal of a cyst is more often than not, very simple. It's more often than not an outpatient procedure, performed under a local anesthetic, and post op recovery is fast.

Complications are few, and rare - post op bleeding or an infection. Biopsies are usually done as a routine screening practice.

For cysts that are already bleeding or perhaps have attached themselves to an internal organ that could be damaged, such as a Fallopian tube or even part of an intestine, surgery would be more complicated. Occasionally the cyst needs to be drained first before surgery is performed in order to reduce the chances of having the cyst burst just prior to or during surgery.

Another common area for cysts to form is the scalp. Because of the oils and hair products that most people have on their hair on a regular basis, it's not at all uncommon for small cysts to erupt. Usually they cause no problem at all unless they are being scraped by brushes or combs or they are rubbed too vigorously during shampooing.

If they do get bothersome it's best to have your doctor drain them. It's a simple needle extraction done in his office with a topical anesthetic such as Novocain. In some situations the fluid may be too thick for a needle extraction and he might need to resort to removing the entire cyst. - 31802

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