Are you having difficulties conceiving? If you are there may be some simple and natural ways to increase the likelihood of falling pregnant, our lifestyle can impact heavily on the reproductive systems of men and women alike so this is the best place to start if you prefer natural ways to increase fertility.
Alcohol is a hazard for pregnancy. Studies have shown that the risk of having a miscarriage increases with moderate alcohol consumption in the first trimester, especially the first couple of weeks.
Nutrition is an important factor in fertility treatment. Giving your body the proper levels of nourishment will mean that it has all it needs to function properly, and is of course the most simple and natural ways to increase fertility naturally! For the delicate reproductive hormone system to work well, a good reserve of nutrients is needed and this will not be achieved will a poor diet.
Nutrient levels and diet as well as your digestive function all play a part in determining your hormonal balance and fertility. A shortage of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals like magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and B6 may lead to a blockage of hormone production and a reduction of your chances of falling pregnant.
Has the thought of using supplementary traditional medicine and acupuncture to help with fertility issues ever crossed your mind? If you are among the people who have unexplained infertility then you may be a good candidate for giving medical acupuncture a go, as acupuncture can help to raise the readiness of the body for conception by balancing out its energies. If there is a physical impediment to conception in either partners, such as low sperm count or damage in the fallopian tubes then as a supplement to medical treatment couples can use acupuncture as well.
Acupuncture, when skilfully administered can be very effective at equalizing the multifarious physical imbalances that are often behind a reduced ability to conceive.
Stress has a lot to do with infertility. If a women is under a lot of stress the body will overproduce prolactin which is a reproductive hormone and will interfere with proper ovulation. Simultaneously the hypothalamus ceases secretion of the essential hormone gonadotrophin which will also mean that the luteinizing hormone and the follicle-stimulating hormones are both not released. These hormones are all essential for stimulating ovulation cycles, so of course fertility is the first casualty of stress.
Some of the things to help reduce stress include regular exercise, calm breathing practices as well as visualization techniques and hypnotherapy - a combination of the following can really help:
Using holistic therapies often work so well as natural ways to increase fertility simply because conception and fertility are actually not just affected by the reproductive system, but by the health of the body as a whole. It may be a combination of things which are needed to fall pregnant, like nutritional supplements or de-stressing with massage or acupuncture, but there are lots of natural ways to help.
Conceiving if you are a woman who smokes very often takes longer and comes with an increased risk of miscarriage as well as lower levels of progesterone and oestrogen. For males, smoking results in immotile sperm, decreased sperm density coupled with an increase in abnormal sperm as well as reduced levels of testosterone. In both men and women the risks outlined only increase with the number of cigarettes consumed each day.
As a natural and healthy way to increase fertility, hypnotherapy can be extremely helpful.
By teaching patients to let go of stress and blockages they are holding onto, hypnotherapists have had great success, especially with couples suffering from unexplained infertility. Fertility issues can arise from holding stress or having emotional blockages which can be let go with the help of hypnotherapy. Using hypnotherapy to identify and settle unresolved emotional issues can help with increasing your chances of conception.
Hidden and deep-seated anxieties can also be resolved using hypnotherapy, and this can be the key for hormonal rebalancing. This is usually when there is too much prolactin in the system inhibiting ovulation.
Hypnotherapy can also be used in the birthing process and can teach women to be calm and relaxed while birthing. Hypnotherapy can help make the birth more calm and comfortable for women by teaching them relaxation and breathing techniques to utilise in the birthing process. - 31802
Alcohol is a hazard for pregnancy. Studies have shown that the risk of having a miscarriage increases with moderate alcohol consumption in the first trimester, especially the first couple of weeks.
Nutrition is an important factor in fertility treatment. Giving your body the proper levels of nourishment will mean that it has all it needs to function properly, and is of course the most simple and natural ways to increase fertility naturally! For the delicate reproductive hormone system to work well, a good reserve of nutrients is needed and this will not be achieved will a poor diet.
Nutrient levels and diet as well as your digestive function all play a part in determining your hormonal balance and fertility. A shortage of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals like magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and B6 may lead to a blockage of hormone production and a reduction of your chances of falling pregnant.
Has the thought of using supplementary traditional medicine and acupuncture to help with fertility issues ever crossed your mind? If you are among the people who have unexplained infertility then you may be a good candidate for giving medical acupuncture a go, as acupuncture can help to raise the readiness of the body for conception by balancing out its energies. If there is a physical impediment to conception in either partners, such as low sperm count or damage in the fallopian tubes then as a supplement to medical treatment couples can use acupuncture as well.
Acupuncture, when skilfully administered can be very effective at equalizing the multifarious physical imbalances that are often behind a reduced ability to conceive.
Stress has a lot to do with infertility. If a women is under a lot of stress the body will overproduce prolactin which is a reproductive hormone and will interfere with proper ovulation. Simultaneously the hypothalamus ceases secretion of the essential hormone gonadotrophin which will also mean that the luteinizing hormone and the follicle-stimulating hormones are both not released. These hormones are all essential for stimulating ovulation cycles, so of course fertility is the first casualty of stress.
Some of the things to help reduce stress include regular exercise, calm breathing practices as well as visualization techniques and hypnotherapy - a combination of the following can really help:
Using holistic therapies often work so well as natural ways to increase fertility simply because conception and fertility are actually not just affected by the reproductive system, but by the health of the body as a whole. It may be a combination of things which are needed to fall pregnant, like nutritional supplements or de-stressing with massage or acupuncture, but there are lots of natural ways to help.
Conceiving if you are a woman who smokes very often takes longer and comes with an increased risk of miscarriage as well as lower levels of progesterone and oestrogen. For males, smoking results in immotile sperm, decreased sperm density coupled with an increase in abnormal sperm as well as reduced levels of testosterone. In both men and women the risks outlined only increase with the number of cigarettes consumed each day.
As a natural and healthy way to increase fertility, hypnotherapy can be extremely helpful.
By teaching patients to let go of stress and blockages they are holding onto, hypnotherapists have had great success, especially with couples suffering from unexplained infertility. Fertility issues can arise from holding stress or having emotional blockages which can be let go with the help of hypnotherapy. Using hypnotherapy to identify and settle unresolved emotional issues can help with increasing your chances of conception.
Hidden and deep-seated anxieties can also be resolved using hypnotherapy, and this can be the key for hormonal rebalancing. This is usually when there is too much prolactin in the system inhibiting ovulation.
Hypnotherapy can also be used in the birthing process and can teach women to be calm and relaxed while birthing. Hypnotherapy can help make the birth more calm and comfortable for women by teaching them relaxation and breathing techniques to utilise in the birthing process. - 31802
About the Author:
You can make the whole process of grabting pregnant straightforward and effortless - grab my free report 7 straightforward Mistakes Stopping You Conceiving.